The real question I constantly find myself inquiring about is what is real beauty?Seriously what Is the definition of beauty?Society so often associates this idea of "beauty" with tan skin, thigh gaps, thin collar bones, or similar variations. As a result of these images floating around vulnerable teens I find myself surrounded with friends who feel they aren't worthy, because they don't reach these certain standards. That's not to leave me out, I myself am guilty of having self worth and self loathing issues. But who and when decided that was what made women so desirable? If you take a quick glance through history and study the progression of women you will see that this outer beauty is constantly changing and morphing. The women who were desired in 100 B.C.E are nothing like the women who were desired in the 1600s and nothing like the women who are desired presently in the 21st century. So if beauty is forever changing then what is the constant definition of beauty? The only explanation I can find is that beauty was not meant to be seen just so clearly on the surface. Inner beauty. Pure. Undisturbed. Unchanging. Selfless. Beauty. That has been the constant. Why would someone want to fall in love with something so temporary as looks. Hair looses it lush, skin looses it's smooth surface, bodies shrink and fill out and then what are you left with? Some person you thought you loved because they were attractive, and suddenly you find yourself shriveled up and bored ready to go live out your life dreams and the person sitting next to you doesn't want the same things? Why would someone overlook plenty of people passing through their lives because the person's features weren't to their taste? There is so much beauty waiting beneath the surfaces of people. Their pain and triumph. Their passions and desires. Their secrets and hobbies. These are things we should all be searching for. People who have inner beauty and similar lifestyles rather than a person who portrays worldly beauty. The earth will not last forever and neither will the beauties made up by the world.